MAT invites applications for new editors, with a five-year term starting January 2020.

MAT’s editors have two major roles: to provide intellectual leadership and oversight of the journal’s work, and to ensure a sound financial basis for the journal. While the managing editor coordinates the day-to-day work of the editorial team, the editorsare responsible for the overall direction and management of the journal.  

Applicants should be established academics in relevant fields, share the journal’s vision and values, be committed to open-access publishing, and able to devote approximately 10% of their time to the journal. The journal has been sustained financially through support from the editors’ home institutions and grants. Applicants should be able to provide a sound plan for financing the journal. Previous experience in publishing is highly desirable.

Specific roles and responsibilities include:

1. Realizing the editorial vision of the journal in consultation with the Advisory Board
2. Supervising and supporting the Managing Editor
3. Ensuring funding of journal through institutional support and/or grants
4. Chairing the Advisory Board (convening at least one annual meeting)
5. Interviewing and selecting paid and volunteer staff
6. Promoting the journal in relevant academic fora
7. Adjudicating conflicting peer reviews
8. Soliciting high-quality contributions
9. Checking submissions to make sure they should be sent out for review

Please send a short letter indicating interest in the position to Erin Martineau, Managing Editor, by 30 March 2019: Vinh-Kim Nguyen and Eileen Moyer will be in touch with interested parties to discuss in further detail.

MAT invites applications for new editors


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