Description du poste / de la mission Vous serez accueilli au sein de l’UMR CIRAD/INRAE « Animal, santé, territoire,...
Archive for month: Luglio, 2021
Lecturer in Anthropology at SOAS University of London
Redazione ANPIA, , Call e Jobs, Bandi, job vacancy, postdoctoral research, 0About the role The Department of Anthropology and Sociology is a world-leading research-led department. Its academics and research students...
Senior Lecturer in Australian Studies at King’s College London
Redazione ANPIA, , Call e Jobs, Bandi, job opportunity, 0The School of Global Affairs, King’s College London, seeks to appoint a Director of the Menzies Australia Institute at...
Postdoctoral Research Associate at King’s College
Redazione ANPIA, , Call e Jobs, Bandi, postdoctoral research, 0Location-based apps and tools are increasingly employed by parents to monitor their children at a distance. The researcher will...
DATA: 29/06/2021 Verbale Consiglio Direttivo
ANPIA, , Senza categoria, Verbale CD ANPIA, 0|| Il contenuto è riservato ai soci di ANPIA. Se sei associato/a ad ANPIA per favore effettua il...