The Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Ben Gurion University of the Negev invites applicants holding a Ph.D. degree in Anthropology or Sociology for a tenure-track position at the rank of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer. We are seeking an anthropologist with a proven record of ethnographic research and/or a quantitative sociologist. Candidates are expected to have strong research abilities as demonstrated by their publication record and research program, and to be excellent teachers, able to teach core and methodological courses in anthropology and/or sociology, as indicated by their teaching evaluations and references. Postdoctoral experience is advantageous.

Candidates are expected be able to teach in Hebrew.

Basic qualification

  • PhD in anthropology or sociology
  • For an anthropologist: significant experience in ethnographic research
  • For a quantitative sociologist: significant experience in quantitative research and proven ability to teach quantitative methodologies.
  • Proven ability to publish in high ranking journals.
  • Proven ability to write and submit research grants.
  • Excellent teaching skills, supported by teaching evaluations.
  • Proven ability to teach core courses.
  • Collegiality and good interpersonal skills.

Minimum Number of References Required
3 names and contacts of 3 referees (only the referees of shortlisted candidates will be contacted)

Submission deadline: May 31 2020

Contact information

Nir Avieli, Associate Professor,, 086472045

For further information visit the following website:



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