The Trustees of the Camel Trust invite applications for a grant of up to a maximum of £3,000 to support outstanding post-doctoral research in the field of social anthropology during the course of the calendar year 2020. Their intention is to support research by an early career post-doctoral scholar and to help them to prepare for an academic career in anthropology and make a significant contribution to the discipline. This could be through a short period of post-doctoral field research, the completion of an original academic publication, or the completion and submission of a grant application (or any combination of these).

Applicants must be have been formally awarded a PhD in Anthropology from a UK university, and the degree must have been conferred after 1st January, 2016.  The terms of the Trust require that the successful candidate should be formally or informally affiliated to a UK university, and a short letter agreeing to such an affiliation must be forwarded to the Trustees before the award is finally confirmed. This might be from a prospective ‘mentor’, a former supervisor or a Head of Department.

There are no restrictions on nationality.  Applications are invited from scholars in temporary employment or without any formal employment, but not from those who already hold a permanent faculty position. Research on any thematic area and geographic region will be considered.

The closing date for applications is 1st November 2019 and the proposed research may be done at any stage between late January 2020 and 31st December 2020  Applications should consist of a one page cover letter, a short CV, a one page outline of the proposed research activity, a one page budget, and an article/chapter-length sample of writing. In addition, the names of two referees should be provided who may be contacted by the Trustees. Please use the attached application form and do not exceed 7 pages.  The application form, together with the writing sample, should be emailed to:<>.

The successful applicant will be contacted by the end of December 2019. If you have not heard from us by that time you should assume that your application was not successful. By the end of the grant period (that is, by 31st December 2020) the grant recipient will be required to submit a short (1 page) report on their research activity along with a short account of the fieldwork conducted, or a copy of the article completed or the research application submitted.

In 2018, the Trust was exceptionally able to award two grants.  The recipients were Dr Ana Balthazar for a project on ‘Between the Arts and Brexit: The Experience of Creative Communities in Margate, UK’ and Dr Samuele Poletti for a project on ‘Struggles for Being (-toward-death): Imploding Selves, Caste and Christianity in Nepal’.

The Trustees regret that they cannot enter into any correspondence with unsuccessful applicants or offer further advice on the form that applications should take.


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