Call per panels chiusi, presentazioni orali, workshop tematici o artistici del prossimo convegno di Age and Generations Network (EASA)
Segnaliamo la Call per il prossimo convegno di Age and Generations Network (EASA) “Kinning, Moving, and Growing in Later Life” presso l’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia il 14-15 marzo 2024:
“Climate change, ageing populations, trans/national mobility, violent conflicts, shrinking welfare spending, digitalization, pandemic(s) and the growing need for care are profoundly transforming the way people live in the world and interact with each other.
This conference focuses on processes, imaginaries and activities surrounding older age, ageing and generations in light of contemporary challenges.
We ask, how older age, ageing and generations, understood as life course stages, temporal processes, relations and activities, come to play and how are they reworked in contemporary contexts.
As well as what role particular social spaces, geographic localities and cultures play”.
We welcome proposals on, but not limited to, the following topics related to the conference themes:
- Kinning and de-kinning of gender and generational relations
- Care in cultural and global contexts
- Digital technologies and more-than-human care
- Care markets and institutionalized care-giving in ageing societies
- Age and memory practices
- Age-friendly cities, infrastructures and built environment
- Ageing transnationally
- Creativity, home-making, and aspirations in later life
- Population ageing and diverse demographic trajectories
- Anthropocene and future scenarios for older individuals
- Religion and spirituality in later life
La scadenza della call è il 31 ottobre.
La lingua è l’inglese.
Il testo per esteso si può trovare qui:
Le proposte vanno inviate agli indirizzi dei convenors del network assieme a qualsiasi richiesta di chiarimento:,,