University of Bologna recently published the call for application for the PhD in Cultural and Environmental Heritage. Academic Year:...
Tenure track position in Anthropology/Quantitative Sociology
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, Anthropology phd, job opportunity, job vacancy, phd, 0The Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Ben Gurion University of the Negev invites applicants holding a Ph.D. degree...
Tenure Track Position in Oulu, Finland: Cultural Histories and Traditional Knowledge of Resource Use
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, Anthropology phd, Anthropology research, phd, 0Our anthropology colleague Prof Hannu Heikkinen from Oulu just sent this around. Seems to be a rather rare opportunity...
BEWILDERING BOAR – Changing Cosmopolitics of the Hunt in Europe and Beyond
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, Anthropology, Anthropology phd, Anthropology research, phd, research, 0ERC Project BOAR: “Veterinarization of Europe? Hunting for Wild Boar Futures in the Time of African Swine Fever.” (2020-2025)...
Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe (CHAPTER): The Role of Museums in a Digital ‘Post-Truth’ European Society
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, Anthropology phd, Anthropology research, jobpost, phd, vacancy, 0The project “Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe: The Role of Museums in a Digital ‘Post-Truth’ European Society (CHAPTER)”, funded...
As a community with a global orientation, NUS welcomes applications from highly qualified students, both local and international. Our...
RAI Forensic Anthropology Administrator and Programme Officer
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, Anthropology research, phd, 0Deadline 30 April 2020 – London, UK Further particulars The Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) is seeking to appoint RAI...
Health Data in Practice MRes
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, Anthropology, medical anthropology, phd, research, 0This MRes is the entry point to the 4 year PhD Programme in Health Data in Practice, funded by...
PhD Lancaster University – Health Equity Mainstreaming in ARC-NWC: what works and why?
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, medical anthropology, phd, 0Project Description On average, there is a gap of almost 19 years in how long people can expect to...
Medical/Psychological Anthropology – University of Alabama
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, medical anthropology, phd, 0The Department of Anthropology and the Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) of The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa...