A public selection is announced to award no 1 research fellowship lasting 36 months, with the possibility of renewal within the limits of art. 2 of the Regulations on university Research Fellowship Awarding, which will be subject to a specific contract.


The expected starting date is approximately 01/04/2023.

The research fellowship amounts to Euro 27.000,00 per year gross to the recipient, net of the expenses to be sustained by the employer. The amount may be subject to adjustment in the event of variations in the law.

Scientific coordinator and tutor: prof. Roberta Raffaetà

Duration: 36 months, renewable.

Abstract: Microbiome research in China and global China’ is a sub-project of the ERC HealthXCross project. HealthXCross is a comparative and multi-sited ethnographic project with the aim to analyze how microbiome research is reconfiguring biology, biomedicine and the social sciences. For more information, see https://pric.unive.it/projects/healthxcross/home and/or contact the PI, Roberta Raffaetà at http://roberta.raffaeta@unive.it.  With regard to the sub-project ‘Microbiome research in China and global China’, the selected candidate will analyze microbiome research in China and global China (Chinese scientific diaspora). Ethnography will start in a lab in China (Hong Kong) and Global China (a lab in the US led by a Chinese scientist). The selected candidate will work closely with scientists; a collaborative and participatory attitude to research is therefore required. The aim of the project is in fact to produce useful knowledge both for the communities studied and for the anthropological community. The candidate will contribute to the timely delivery of the results established by the research project and to the dissemination of the project results in accordance with the research framework envisaged by the project. Active participation in weekly HealthXCross team meetings and contribution to the project website, social media and communication is expected.

See the call and apply here: https://www.unive.it/data/29530?fbclid=IwAR2S2NfzaULEvIN6tSEGp7sPG0QbN8-RGXBrAVvsNXzmYS6aA6KIZzWN_xw




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