At the University of Jyväskylä, everyone can find their place in the human-centred environment of 2,500 experts and 14,500 students. Our goal is to create wisdom and wellbeing for us all. It is essential that each member of the community thrives and has opportunities to develop and grow. We cherish openness of thinking as well as the balance between research and education. Our naturally beautiful campus is located at the heart of the city of Jyväskylä. JYU is the third largest employer in Central Finland.

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is currently seeking to recruit

A Post-doctoral Researcher, starting September 1st 2020 or as soon as possible thereafter for a fixed-term period of 24 months.

The position is located to the Department of Language and Communication Studies, to the research project “Negotiating International Criminal Law: A courtroom ethnography of trial performance at the International Criminal Court,” financed by the Academy of Finland (2020-2023). The project analyzes how ICC trial actors, in their situated courtroom conduct, navigate the multiple tensions which this emergent form of global criminal adjudication is facing.

The candidate will be responsible for a sub-project that examines how trial actors project images of self and other in the course of ICC trial proceedings. The candidate is expected to conduct high quality research, publish in international refereed scientific journals, and be active in international research networks. The candidate is required to hold A PhD degree in language studies or in another area that is relevant to the project. A strong background in (ethnographic approaches in) discourse analysis, socio-legal studies and international criminal law, and good knowledge of French will be considered an asset.

The duties, qualification requirements and language skills for the position of the Postdoctoral Researcher are stipulated by the University of Jyväskylä Regulations and language skills guidelines.

The annual salary range will be approximately 38.800 – 47.700 EUR (gross income, including holiday bonus), depending on the qualifications and experience of the candidate.

A trial period of six months will be used when the position is first filled.

For more information, please contact Associate professor Sigurd D’hondt (PI of the project), e-mail:, tel. +358 40 8055071 or Head of the Department of Language and Communication Studies, Professor Mika Lähteenmäki, e-mail:,   tel. +358 40 805 3206

The application must include the following documents in English (the name of the applicant must be mentioned in the file name):

  1. Motivation Letter
  2. A CV composed according to good scientific practice and considering, when possible, the template for researcher´s curriculum vitae of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity (TENK);
  3. A numbered list of publications covering the applicant’s the scientific and other publications according to the instructions of the Academy of Finland – with which the candidate wishes to demonstrate his or her eligibility an merits for the post
  4. Research plan (max. 1-2 pages) of how the applicant intends to carry out the research activities during the post doc period.
  5. A sample of recent writing (e.g.: publishes paper, dissertation chapter). Shall be placed under “Selected publications”.

Please submit your application at the latest on Thursday, April 30 2020 using the online application form.



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