“Corporate Anthropologist as a profession in the modern world: Key persons and Projects” for St Petersburg State University”

La prof.ssa Daria Vasileva, ricercatrice antropologa dell’università statale di San Pietroburgo, sta effettuando una ricerca sui corporate/business anthropologists in Europa e sull’uso delle conoscenze antropologiche nel mondo degli affari, per delineare quali strumenti applicano i/le professionisti/ste dell’antropologia aziendale. Il suo appello agli/alle antropologi/ghe che lavorano in ambito aziendale è finalizzato a conoscere, tramite interviste, anche l’esperienza degli/lle antropologi/ghe italiani/e impegnati/e in questo ambito. L’intervista sarà da remoto in inglese e durerà 30-40 minuti.

Ulteriori informazioni sulla ricerca le troverete in questo queste precisazioni inviate dalla Vasileva:

Here more precise information about the project: Research “Corporate Anthropologist as a profession in the modern world: Key persons and Projects” for St Petersburg State University (https://english.spbu.ru/) and “Training boutique” (https://tboutique.ru/en, Moscow).

The aim of the project is to assemble and promote the image of the profession and professional activities of corporate/business anthropologists in specific conditions of contemporary business fields. We’ll use the results in advertising our educational program and our Moscow partner “Training boutique” needs this data to show customers who are business anthropologists. The problem is that employers and businesses have a very unclear vision of this profession.

“Training boutique” is looking for business anthropologists  to attract them to the projects.

Here the interview questions:

1. A biographical tour of your career as an anthropologist;
2. Your way in business anthropology?
3. Your projects and cases in the field of corporate/business anthropology.
4. People/situations who/which formed the vision of the profession of business anthropologist
5. Cases effective of interaction with customers. What were these dependent on?
6. An experience of interdisciplinary discussion and popularization
7. Professional network in Germany
8. Your vision of social and cultural anthropology application to business practices today.

Daria Vasileva – the candidate of sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of cultural anthropology and ethnic sociology in Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education” Saint Petersburg State University”.

Per partecipare all’intervista o per chiedere altre informazioni, scrivete alla mail   Дарья Васильева  <daria.vas@gmail.com>.


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