By World Anthropologies Editors and Contributing Editors

How are global academic power relations reflected in the everyday experiences of anthropologists around the world? How do we experience the privileging of academic production from Euro-American centers over nonhegemonic locations of anthropological thinking? How are these inequalities reflected in issues related to language, where a similar privileging of specific European languages exists? And, finally, how can we begin to overcome these inequalities, to work towards the worlding of anthropology?

Some of these issues have affected many of our colleagues in the discipline, particularly those based in the “Global South” and those who had to move countries either for their studies or careers. This call is an opportunity to share some of these personal experiences and to grapple with them. In this spirit, at the World Anthropologies section of American Anthropologist, we invite potential contributors to share:

Narratives, stories and experiences related to global academic power relations. We support the need for complaint, for the possibility of such complaints to be heard, and to their collectivizing as a tool of institutional change. We see the act of complaining as an affirmative mode of tearing down the house of anthropology and suggesting what to build in its place. (Papailias and Gupta 2021)

Requirements for Submissions

We welcome entries in the form of text (up to 400 words) or multimodal contributions, including video, animation, photographs, graphic novels, and drawings.

Contributors are welcome to fictionalize/anonymize their personal accounts at their own discretion. We particularly seek submissions from early-career scholars. Selected entries will be published on the American Anthropologist website, under the World Anthropologies section. We may cluster a number of submissions on related topics together and release them jointly.

We are open to collaborative pieces, as well as submissions in languages other than English, or multilingual submissions.

To see a list of suggested topics and submit your complaint, please go to this form.


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