E’ indetta una procedura comparativa per soli titoli, per l’affidamento di n. 1 incarico di prestazione autonoma di natura...
Pandemia e accelerazione digitale – Antropologia fra prossimità e distanza
ANPIA, , Comunicati, Antropologia, antropologia culturale, Antropologia professionale, Covid-19, research, Ricerca, 0Secondo appuntamento della serie di webinar della SIAC – Società italiana di antropologia culturale Cecilia Pennaccini (Università degli...
PhD in Future Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenge
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, doctoral research, phd, research, 0University of Bologna has published the call for application for PhD in Future Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenge....
PhD Cultural and Environmental Heritage – University of Bologna
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, dottorato, job opportunity, phd, research, Ricerca, 0University of Bologna recently published the call for application for the PhD in Cultural and Environmental Heritage. Academic Year:...
BEWILDERING BOAR – Changing Cosmopolitics of the Hunt in Europe and Beyond
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, Anthropology, Anthropology phd, Anthropology research, phd, research, 0ERC Project BOAR: “Veterinarization of Europe? Hunting for Wild Boar Futures in the Time of African Swine Fever.” (2020-2025)...
Health Data in Practice MRes
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, Anthropology, medical anthropology, phd, research, 0This MRes is the entry point to the 4 year PhD Programme in Health Data in Practice, funded by...
Radcliffe-Brown and Firth Trust Funds for Social Anthropological Research
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, Anthropology, research, social science, vacancy, 0The aim of the awards, which are jointly funded by the Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA) and the RAI,...
Research Fellow with 65 % part-time-employment – E 13 TV-L HU (third party funding, short-term for 3 years)
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, Anthropology, research, 0Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of European Ethnology, Humboldt University of Berlin Application available until: 09.10.19 In the...
Doctoral Researcher at University of Lucerne
Ufficio Stampa ANPIA, , Lavoro, Anthropology, doctoral research, research, 0Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences The University of Lucerne is the youngest university in Switzerland. Founded in 2000,...
The Department of Social Science (DSS) is one of the largest centres of multi-disciplinary social science research and teaching...