The Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of European Ethnology, University of  Berlin, invites applications for a Junior Professorship for “European Ethnology/Social Anthropology with emphasis on Cultural Expression” from 1 October 2020. This is a W2 tenure track position. In order to verify whether the individual performance meets the requirements of a permanent employment, an evaluation process will be opened not later than five years of service. The professorship will be funded by the „Bund-Länder-Programm zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses”. The aim of the programme is to pave the way for a secure career in academia for early stage researchers. Tenure track professors at the HU Berlin are expected to carry out research and teach, as well as be active on various university committees and acquire leadership and management skills. The concrete requirements out of the framework catalogue [] will be specified in the course of the appointment process.

The Professor is required to conduct research and teaching within the area of the Social Anthropology of Cultural Expression. This may include material culture, performance, body and embodiment, media, art, design and knowledge.

As part of their research and teaching portfolio, the Professor is expected to work with the collections of the Humboldt-Universität, especially the sound archive. The Professor will also be a member of the Helmholtz Centre for Cultural Techniques and the Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage (CARMAH), and will have the possibility to work with the University’s Object Laboratory and its Humboldt Labor in the Humboldt Forum. Teaching contributions to BA- and MA-courses in European Ethnology are expected. The W1 Professor will supervise doctoral students and contribute to research funding applications. He or she will also be expected to contribute to the development of a future interdisciplinary Masters programme.

The successful applicant is expected to have an excellent doctorate in the area of European Ethnology/Cultural Studies/ Cultural Anthropology, or a related discipline with a clear focus on ethnographic research. They should have conducted research within the area of Cultural Expression. This includes but is not limited to questions of material culture, body and embodiment, performativity, media, design and knowledge. Experience of interdisciplinary collaboration is expected. The successful applicant will have clear plans for developing a new dimension of this relating to the University collections. There is a strong preference for candidates who already have experience of working with collections, as well as knowledge of debates about collecting, including in relation to sensitive collections.

Excellent competency in English and/or German is expected. Candidates who are currently only competent in one of these languages are expected to be willing to achieve full working competency in the other within two years of appointment.

The applicants must meet the legal requirements for professorial appointments in conjunction with § 102c combined with § 102a of the ‘Berliner Hochschulgesetz’. We are looking for an early-stage-researcher who acquired her or his PhD degree not more than four years ago (exceptions due for instance to child care are permissible).

HU is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourages qualified female scholars to apply. Researchers from abroad are welcome to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equivalent qualifications will be given preferential consideration. People with an immigration background are specifically encouraged to apply.

How to apply

Please send your application within 3 weeks (05/02/2020), and quoting the reference number JP/001/20 to: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Prof. Dr. Metzler, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin or in electronic form in one pdf file to: Your application must include a list of publications, a description of your teaching experience, a statement concerning your profile in relation to the content of the post, a plan for future research, and an outline of anticipated teaching in view of modules offered in European Ethnology. Since we will not return your documents, please submit copies in the application only.

Please visit our website, which gives you access to the legally binding German version.


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