The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, a subunit of the Faculty of Social Sciences, announces two vacant University Assistant post doc positions. The advertised positions are situated within the team of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Janina Kehr (Medical Anthropology and Global Health). For more information:

Duration of employment: 6 year/s

Extent of Employment: 40 hours/week
Job grading in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc) with relevant work experience determining the assignment to a particular salary grade.

Job Description:
Active participation in research, teaching and administrative work, this includes

– Development of a scientific profile
– Contribution to research projects and scientific publications
– Participation in organisation of conferences, meetings, symposiums
– International publications and lectures
– Contribution to project application and (external) fundraising
– Preparation/completion of a habilitation/second book
– Teaching assignments according to the extent regulated by the collective agreement
– Examination activities
– Supervision of students
– Participation in evaluation activities and in quality assurance
– Participation in administration of the department


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