The role will involve managing and conducting the study, including recruitment of donor relatives and specialist nurses in organ donation, data collection, analysis, and writing up the findings as research outputs for relevant publications and conferences. The work will also include liaising with relevant staff and clinical collaborators in NHS Blood and Transplant and developing the findings for training and policy around research consent in the context of organ donation. You may also have the opportunity to get involved in grant development to further the research agenda of understanding the social and ethical implications of organ donation and transplantation.


Person Specification
The Post-Doctoral Research Associate must have a PhD (or be close to completion) in a relevant social science or health discipline (e.g. sociology, anthropology, public health, health services research, nursing etc), experience of conducting qualitative research in healthcare settings, and, preferably, experience of working with and/or conducting research with bereaved relatives and/or lived experience of bereavement. Knowledge/application of social science research and theory around bioethics/consent in clinical research would be advantageous.


Additional Information
City offers a sector-leading salary, pension scheme and benefits including a comprehensive package of staff training and development.

Closing date for applications: 23rd August 2021 (The post will start Mid December 2021/Jan 2022)

City, University of London is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in all its activities, processes, and culture, for our whole community, including staff, students and visitors.

For further informations:


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