Doctoral Position in Social Anthropology 

The position is offered by Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (ISEK), Chair of Prof. Dr. Johannes Quack, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

Deadline: 30.06.2019

The position
A dynamic, innovative and collaborative academic environment, excellent opportunities for research (including financial support and the option of research / writing sabbaticals), financial support for the hosting and attendance of conferences and workshops, strong administrative backing, and a motivated faculty interested in academic exchange.

As a doctoral student, you will work on your own research project, teach and supervise students on BA level (two classes per year, i.e. one per semester), and contribute to other fields of activity, such as: participation in the Social Anthropology Colloquium Series and other events organized at ISEK, support of the chair in administrative tasks, participation in committees and commissions.

Terms of employment
The position offers attractive working conditions and a competitive salary (employment of 60% according to cantonal guidelines). Initially, the employment is limited to three years but may be extended up to six years on the basis of positive evaluations.

A M.A. in Social Anthropology or related disciplines, as well as research experience. Desired, but not necessary are theoretical and empirical interests in the fields of the anthropology of religion and/or ethics and/or knowledge/science and/or medical anthropology, interest in South Asia as well as German language skills.

Starting date
August 1, 2019 or by mutual agreement.

We are looking forward to your application. Please enclose the following documents:
• Cover letter with an indication of your research interests and future research plans
• Curriculum Vitae
• One writing sample, e.g. an article or a chapter of the M.A. dissertation
• Copies of degrees
• Two references with whom we may seek contact.

For questions regarding the application process: Georg Winterberger, Executive Director (+41 44 635 22 17,
For questions regarding the profile: Prof. Dr. Johannes Quack (+41 44 635 22 42,
Please send your documents to or the following postal address:
Georg Winterberger
University of Zurich
ISEK – Ethnologie
Andreasstr. 15
8050 Zurich, Switzerland

Application deadline
30.06.2019 – Interviews will be scheduled in July 2019


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